Posted by: idm04 | 2021/05/15

May 2021 Update

Wow, I haven’t updated since 2017. Does anyone still read this anymore?

Since graduating from the second degree Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) at UBC in 2017, I became a software developer at a large, multinational enterprise software company at their branch in downtown Vancouver.

It’s been a whole lot of fun, learned a bunch and made a few lifelong friends, but eventually I decided to try living elsewhere. So, in the middle of the pandemic (near the end of summer 2020) I quit my cushy job and moved to Tokyo, Japan where I am currently residing. Fortunately, my current job (as a software engineer) is completely in English. I have no idea how long I’ll stay and where life will take me afterward if anywhere, but I’m definitely enjoying it. For the time being, I want to be here at least until international tourism has resumed so that I can take my family and friends around.

Despite the lack of a proper lockdown, Japan hasn’t really seen any huge outbreaks which is kind of surprising. And despite dissenting public opinion, the Olympics will go forward. That being said, cases have been on the rise, and I’ll be lucky if my age group can get a vaccine by the end of 2021. So I’m considering coming back to BC temporarily, but no concrete plans yet.

It seems this blog still gets views on the daily, albeit at least one order of magnitude lower than the early days. I still get emails once in a while from students which is nice, but it’s quite rare.

Hope everyone is doing safe and well.


  1. What a blast from the past! I remember relying on your blog and course write-ups years back when I was doing my undergrad. Glad to hear you’re doing well!

    • Hi Dan, thanks for commenting! Hope you’re doing well too!

  2. Hi there! I just found your blog, and I also started in the BCS program for 2021 after completing a life sciences degree. Your posts have been really helpful to get an insight on someone who was in a similar position, and I hope my co-op term and career ends up working out in the coming years :)

    • I’m glad to hear that! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions 🙂

  3. For some reason I thought to look up this blog, used to follow you in 2012-2014 for microbi. My dream is to move to japan but that’ll probably not happen. Take care

    • Take care my friend. May your most important goal/dream(s) come to fruition…

  4. Hey! I stumbled upon your blog while trying to find lecture content for CHEM 123 – I hope you’re still doing well! Your work has me engrossed as a first-year UBC student searching for insight into the future. I wanted to let you know you that you’re still having a significant impact on the lives of others, even decades later!

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